Why is it important to care about conscious scenography not just for the brand but also for the planet? And how did we work with our partners to make the event 100% circular? Read on to find out.

Let’s Meet The Faces Behind Scenography & Production This Year….
Melody Landeroin, Head of Scenography and Production this year, is an artistic director and freelance event scenographer in Paris. She has been working with different agencies and advertisers for almost 10 years and also dips her feet in music as a DJ or curator. Melody mainly works on brand events requiring scenic immersion. She also works on projects where the musical or performed artistic presence is central.
Candice Dupré, who supported our set design team probono, is the founder of La Reponse D. (which means “the other answer”), a sustainable set design and eco-designed scenography studio that offers consulting for more virtuous events. They work on brand events, press events, pop-up stores, cultural events, shootings, and movie making. They work in particular to reduce the impact of these ephemeral installations and places by always being 100% circular and telling compelling stories with inspiring universes.
Looking For Sustainable Solutions: The Secret Sauce
We asked Melody and Candice about how they came up with their ideas for the Conscious Festival. Here’s what they had to say:
M: “Concerning the scenography of the Conscious Festival, it was essential to imagine it eco-designed. The idea of accumulation and stacking of furniture came along with other ideas of accumulation such as clothing or waste. We had to make choices and I went with the furniture for the more designer visual rendering and also the possibility of reusing this furniture afterwards. For the rest of the scenography we had imperatives and I responded to them thanks to partners such as Fête Impériale for all the fabrics and the arts reserve for the wood.”
As a partner of the event, La Reponse D. supported the Conscious Festival set design team by providing their ecosystem of players in the circular economy to facilitate local upcycled sourcing: “Our secret is to integrate the principles of eco-design into the creative process, upstream of the project, in order to anticipate and offer decorations and events that are as desirable as they are eco-responsible.”
Our Sustainability Impact!
Melody ensured that we reused all the materials, from wood to fabrics to printed tarpaulins. And so the carbon impact was limited to the transport of materials. Between individuals and professionals, we were able to organise the (re)consumption of all the scenography/deco items. Events are a very polluting industry, and we were aware that this event would not be the exception; however, limiting our impact to the maximum was a major issue.
According to Candice, “Eco-designed scenography doesn’t mean that it is only about recovering materials. We can work with professional partners specialized in eco-responsible design. Sourcing second-hand items does not necessarily mean that the items are mismatched. My work as an art designer consists of making scenic elements harmonious together whether they are “new”, “old” or antique. We want to fight against the clichés of ugly “green decor” by carefully working on the mood boards and design spirits upstream of the project, with the available solutions in mind. Thanks to constant monitoring, we have woven a solid ecosystem of partners committed to upcycling and eco-design, and these trailblazers are more and more numerous and of high quality. We want to prove that we can make beautiful AND conscious.”
A Tour: Introducing Our Conscious Partners
Artist Fodil Drici
Thanks to the artist for these two massively beautiful posters on either side of our banner.
Blast Agents
Thank you to Blast Agents for inviting the artist Aurora, who drew live about feminism.
Cycle Zero
Thank you to Cycle Zero for helping us give away some parts of the scenography for upcycling (to NGOs and artists).
Mairie de Paris
Thank you to the townhall of Paris for generously lending some flowers and plants for free to decorate the whole space.
Julie Joly
Thank you to Julie Joly for supplementing our deco with their gorgeous art.
Giulia Giu
La collecterie de Montreuil
Thank you to this second hand shop where we bought all the furnitures which we then painted.
La réserve des arts
La réserve des arts is where we bought some of the decorations and the wood used to create the separators between the brands in the marketplace.
Pouf La Tête dans les Nuages
La Response D
Good People Wonder
Thank you to Good People Wonder for the artistic direction of the posters and overall graphic designs.
And a huge thanks to Lyana Miranda from our team who worked day and night to adapt the artistic direction to all the digital designs!
Missed the Conscious Festival? Don’t fret! All talks were recorded and are available for replay here.
FEATURED IMAGE: Landscape view of the Conscious Festival decor with IRK Magazine posters in the background.