The long weekend is just around the corner, making it the best time to head out and explore flavourful and greener options. Presenting Mandai Wildlife Group’s Choose Good Food Trail! Running from October 21st to November 25th, the group has partnered with 20 local food establishments to create exclusive menu items inspired by the diets of wildlife, to raise awareness about the roles of animal species in the ecosystem. Learn more about the campaign and check out our top 7 picks, featuring words from the daring and innovative partners!
What is the relationship between wildlife, nature and people? Did you know that animals each have a role in the ecosystem which helps keep it in balance and thriving? Mandai Wildlife Group is launching a new campaign, Choose Good with Mandai, which focuses on the intrinsic value of wildlife to raise awareness of the symbiotic relationship between people, nature and the world.
The campaign will highlight different actions we can take daily – conscious choices which will go a long way in protecting wildlife and preserving natural resources for future generations – like consuming plant-based foods and saving ‘ugly foods’, to choosing products that are sustainably sourced and made. As part of the campaign, you can look forward to the rollout of two key activities – the Choose Good Food Trail which runs from 21 October to 25 November 2022, and the Choose Good Game Challenge which takes place from 18 November to 16 December 2022.
This long weekend, and for the next month, there’s plenty of conscious options to look forward to. The cherry on top? All partners have also committed a portion of their proceeds from the items created, for Mandai Wildlife Group’s conservation efforts in Singapore and the region. The curated food trail highlights three important roles each species plays in maintaining balance in the ecosystem – through seed dispersal, nutrient cycling and managing wildlife populations. Dive into our top picks (and explore the full food trail here):
1. The Social Space: Monkey Business
Animal inspiration: Celebes Crested Macaque
Primary role in the ecosystem: Seed disperal
While foraging for food, animals disperse seeds which contributes to the growth of more trees that provide shelter, clean air, food and much more. This smoothie bowl features banana, dragonfruit and papaya from the Celebes Crested Macaque’s diet.
Daniel Yeow, Co-founder, The Social Space: “The mission of The Social Space has always been to promote inclusivity and sustainability, and we are honoured to be a part of this campaign to encourage our customers to make better choices. The Monkey Business smoothie bowl is our most sustainable smoothie bowl as the base consists of fruits found regionally. We use “ugly” fruits sourced from our local wet market – banana, papaya and red dragonfruit. While nutritionally rich, these fruits have a low water and carbon footprint!”
2. Birds of Paradise: Cucumber & Double Mint Sorbet
Animal inspiration: Sumatran Orangutan
Primary role in the ecosystem: Seed disperal
Sorbet ensemble of cucumber, lime and mint.
Denise Teo, Community Manager, Birds of Paradise: “The Sumatran Orangutan is native to Southeast Asia, just like Birds of Paradise Gelato Boutique! This species is an inspiring creature to behold with its unique combination of strength, dexterity and grace, and we’re using our platform to bring awareness to this critically endangered beauty. As we humans learn how to make good choices, we can Cucumber & Double Mint Sorbet ensemble of cucumber, lime and mint Sumatran Orangutan Seed dispersal reverse the declining trend and help our Sumatran Orangutans flourish again.”

3. GoodFoodPeople: Garline Seafood with Pesto Pasta
Animal inspiration: Asian Small-clawed Otter
Primary role in the ecosystem: Maintain ecological balance
Whether as predator, prey or decomposer, each species has a role to play in preserving ecological balance such as maintaining stability in wildlife populations and vegetation growth. This yummy vegan bowl includes seafood with fusilli pasta tossed with green pesto, fresh herbs, and brussels sprouts.
Katherine Braha, Chief Brand Officer, GoodFoodPeople: “We are the first and largest healthy food chain in Asia. As a pioneer of the healthy eating movement, our core values are integrity, respect, and a commitment to excellence – this is reflected in every step of our process whether it is how we work with our farm partners, the new locally inspired dressing of the season, or the way our team is considered family.”
4. Raw Kitchen Bar: Pulled “Beef” Toast
Animal inspiration: Malayan Tiger
Primary role in the ecosystem: Maintain ecological balance
A coffee-spiced pulled “beef” toast, pepper jack cheese, chipotle aioli, onsen egg.
Dwayne Emuang, Culinary Director, Raw Kitchen Bar: “Our specially created dessert aside, there’s no lack in flavour or satisfaction when it comes to our plant-based pulled “beef” toast. We are excited to collaborate with Mandai Wildlife Group on this journey as we raise awareness of how our daily eating habits can contribute to helping mother earth. Every little effort counts.”

5. Mr. Bucket Chocolaterie: Mixed Fruit Chocolate Bar ‘Bear grub’
Animal inspiration: Malayan Sun Bear
Primary role in the ecosystem: Nutrient cycling
Animals promote nutrient cycling by loosening the soil when digging for food on the forest floor. The one and only Bear Grub: a mixed fruit chocolate bar featuring orange, coconut and fig from the Malayan Sun Bear’s diet.
Jerome Penafort, Founder, Mr Bucket Chocolaterie: “We are honoured to be part of this campaign and collaboration with Mandai Wildlife Group! Choosing good is the only way forward for our communities. Our chocolate bar, Bear Grub, represents our commitment to do good to impact the communities around us.”
6. Little Farms: Avocado, Quinoa, Feta Bowl
Animal inspiration: Asiatic Black Bear
Primary role in the ecosystem: Nutrient cycling
Walnuts, blueberries, meredith feta, cherry tomatoes, baby spinach, miso & lemon dressing.
William Leonard, Director of Food and Beverage, Little Farms: “It is inspiring to see how similar humans’ and
animals’ diets are. We hope this initiative will help shed light on the dependencies we have on wildlife for healthy ecosystems which in return, helps put food on our plates.”

7. Huggs Coffee: Pesto Chicken Wrap, Honey Lemon & Banana Walnut Muffin (bundle)
Animal inspiration: Malayan Sun Bear
Primary role in the ecosystem: Seed dispersal
Hearty wrap filled with chicken, sundried tomatoes, parmesan cheese and onions; refreshing combination of pure Australian honey and lemon juice; moist walnut filled with caramelised bananas, walnuts and topped with speculoos crumble.
Lee Haoming, Managing Director, Huggs Coffee: “Huggs actively advocates and nurtures a sustainability mindset through community building within the spaces we operate, and through collaborations with sustainability-minded partners like Mandai Wildlife Group. We believe that our role in the coffee industry creates a profound impact on our immediate environment and global climate. While we continually explore ways to maximise materials and reduce wastage from ingredients to packaging, we are constantly
pursuing initiatives that inspire our guests to take steps towards a greener future.”
In addition to the Choose Good Food Trail, Mandai Wildlife Group has also launched the Choose Good Game Challenge where the public can choose their favourite animal character and go on adventures to save ugly food, as well as collect sustainably sourced seafood and plant-based food items. The game is set
against everyday backdrops and living spaces such as the supermarket and kitchen. Through light-hearted educational comics and fun facts, players will learn about how conscious choices go a long way in protecting the environment.
The Choose Good Game Challenge encourages players to progress through stages where they get to make more good choices. Prizes include the signature Panda Tour at River Wonders and a private buggy tour around Singapore Zoo, amongst many others. Check it out for yourself on their website!
FEATURED IMAGE: [Huggs Coffee] Pesto Chicken Wrap, Honey Lemon & Banana Walnut Muffin